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 The Sports Injury Clinic offers two types of analysis with this service;


1) Body fat analysis ( with professional calipers & advanced linear software)             £10
2) Body measurement analysis      £5

Body Fat Analysis

Body fat is an incredibly tricky subject, it’s tough to calculate, tough to track, and most
people are way off in their estimates of what they think their body fat percentage is.
As Kanye West once famously declared,
“that right there could drive a sane man berserk.”

There are many different methods for measuring body fat, but some are more accurate than
The Sports Injury Clinic has over 13 years experience using calipers as a Sports
Scientist employing the latest techniques (Jackson/Pollock 3,4,7, Parrillo, Durnin and
Womersley method) together with the best software on the market.

In its simplest form, body fat is the amount of fat in your body, compared to everything
else. Everything else includes your organs, muscles, bones, tendons, water, and so on.
Both men and women carry different amounts of body fat percentage due to…you know…being
A quick note: your body fat percentage is just the amount of body fat you have; it has nothing
to do with the amount of muscle mass you have, which means you can have two people with the
same amount of body fat percentage that look WAY different from each other.

What’s a good amount of body fat to have?

Here is the generally accepted chart for women and men when it comes to body fat
                                                                                          Women                 Men 
Essential fat                                                                       10-12%                     2-4% 
Athletes                                                                               14-20%                       6-13% 
Fitness                                                                                   21-24%                     14-17% 
Acceptable                                                                          25-31%                     18-25% 
Obese                                                                                   32% plus                   26% plus 

“Essential fat” means the minimal amount of fat required for survival.
Anything less than this amount would mostly likely result in organ failure, but even approaching
this amount of body fat is dangerous.
It’s for this reason that bodybuilders, who can minimize their body fat to the “essential fat” level
only do so when prepping for a show – during the rest of the year they maintain a higher body
fat percentage so that they can stay healthy and function properly.

If you are looking to have that “ripped” look  and “toned” look, you’ll want your body fat
percentage to hover in the “athletes” section.
If you’re just looking to get healthy and look in the mirror with pride, you can aim for the fitness
range. Once you get into the upper ends of “acceptable” and “obese,” a decrease in body fat
percentage would benefit your health.

Let the SIC determine what’s an optimal goal for you:

● If you are trying to look like Ryan Reynolds or Jessica Beil in Blade III, good luck!
You’ll need to aim for a body fat percentage of 6-8% (men) or 13-15% (women).
Note: your athletic/strength gaining performance will most likely suffer at this percentage,
and can be really really challenging to maintain. Your call.
● If you are interested in getting that coveted six pack, drop your body fat down to
the 8-11% range for dudes and 15-17% range for women.
● If you are an athlete and interested in optimal athletic performance, aim for a body
fat percentage around 15% (men) or 20% (women).
● If you are just interested in looking pretty good and feeling pretty good,
anything less than 18% for men and anywhere in the 20-23% range for women should get you
the “hey, lookin pretty good!” response from your friends.
● Ladies: if you are concerned about menstruation or fertility, it has been said not
to drop below 15% body fat. Although I can’t find any studies that definitively refutes
or proves this, it’s just something I wanted to point out so you can be aware. Your results
may vary!

Body Measurements

This involves the use of measuring specific sites around the body, comparing them every
5-6 weeks to suit the clients requirements,I.e building muscle, toning, loosing body fat, etc…..
Tracking your  progress is extremely important, as the saying goes ‘that which gets measured
Gets improved’.

This is true for many reasons;

●  Scales don’t tell you the whole story
●   The number on the scale is your total body mass only, not how fat you are!
●  Measurements are site specific
●  You will be able to monitor your areas of concern more closely


To book your appointment

Please contact the SIC @;