There are five muscles in the calf. separated as a unit into the posterior compartment by fibrous partitions. The muscles of the posterior compartment are strong & thick, even on slender individuals, & provide the major force for lifting the body to stand & propelling it forward to walk or run.
“Clair Davis”
Treatment for | Achilles Tendinitis, Shin Splints Ankle Sprains,
Calf Cramping, leg & foot pain.
Tools needed
-Form roller
-Therapy ball ( hockey ball or tennis ball)
-Yoga mat
-Large Book or block 1)
Warming up on the foam roller, try to work on as much as the muscle as Possible, begin with the weight of the leg and progress into full body Weight as shown.
2) Compression Therapy
Starting of with hips on the floor and only the weight of the leg apply compression up & down on the calf muscles.
Hips are still on the floor, bring one leg across and use the weight if the Leg to apply extra pressure on the calf muscle. Working up & down.
Raise the hips off the floor balancing on your hands & using the ball to apply pressure through the calf muscles.
3) Active Release
Starting of with the foam roller, apply compression with the toes Pointed & activity bring your toes towards you. Do this is a circular motion as Well.
Apply compression with the ball & apply active release up & Down ,apply compression with the ball & apply active release Circular
Full body weight apply compression with the ball & apply active release up & Down
Apply compression with the ball & apply active release Circular
4) Stretch
Gastro Stretch
Standing up against the wall, apply pressure toward ur Heel pushing it towards the ground.
Soleus - Knee to wall
This should be done with measurements ranging from 0-10 inches on the floor. Starting of at; 2 inches from the wall, with the heel flat on the floor, bring the knee Forward to touch the wall.
-4 inches from the wall, with the heel flat on the floor, bring the knee Forward to touch the wall.
-6 inches from the wall, with the heel flat on the floor, bring the knee Forward to touch the wall.
-8 inches from the wall, with the heel flat on the floor, bring the knee Forward to touch the wall.
5) Active Movement
Calf Jumps- Two feet together, springing from the feet & trying no to bend
The knee, jumping into the air! This should pump the calf muscles!
6 Sets of 10 Jumps Calf Raises- Leaning against the wall for balance, standing on the affected leg,
Push off from the toe keeping the knee straight raising the heel of the ground.
6 Sets of 10 Calf pumps