People tend to think of their glutes as simply something to sit on. The truth is that without your gluteal muscles you’d literally fall on your face. You wouldn’t be able to walk, run, jump or even stand.
“Clair Davis “
Treatment for Sciatica & Lower back pain
It consists of myofascial compression therapy, Myofascial active compression, stretches,
and active movement for the specific muscle group.
The video only shows treatment for the right hand side of the body, keep in mind that when
doing self-treatment, both sides should always be worked on to maintain balance.
1) tools needed
- Form roller
- Therapy ball ( hockey ball or tennis ball)
- Yoga mat
2) Warm-up
Warming up the Glutes with a foam roller, working on both maximus & medius
3) Mayofascial compression (with therapy ball)Beginner level - weight is evenly spread out on the floor, use a tennis ball if you find the
hockey ball to be too sore.
4) Advanced Myofascial compression ( with hockey ball) Your weight should be more concentrated on the ball by straightening he arms!
This will put much more pressure on the medius! You can also increase the pressure on the glute by crossing your leg, this opens the medius by forcing it to stretch, applying compression at this level is harder but very effective.
5) Myofascial compression to Maximus The ball should be on the belly of Glutes, this is the part that most people consider
to be your bum!! You can work the ball up and down on the glute or it can be needed into the muscle.
6) Myofascial Active compression This is simply compression with controlled movement'. Which can be applyed to both the medius and Maximus, you should consider taking your time doing these movements, and also that ur capable of doing the exercise without the ball
7) Stretching
Knee hugging
Try to keep both hips on the floor, bring the affect leg across the body and lay the foot flat
on the floor above the knee, reach across your with the opposite arm and push the knee
towards the inside of the body.
Toe touch
Sit flat of the floor the your affected leg out straight, slide the hands down the leg
Drawing your chest into your knees. Don’t be concerned if you can not touch your feet.
Just bring the chest into the knees and control your breathing while you stretch.
Seated chest to knee
Position yourself on a steady chair, plant one foot into the ground and cross the affected
Leg. From this position you want to try and keep both hips on the chair and draw your
Chest into the knee. Again control breathing while stretching.
8) Active Movement
Active movements includes getting the muscles that have been treated with Trp Therapy
Going through an active state of contraction. This can include doing most forms of exercise,
E.g. Walking, Running, Cycling , Squats, Deadlifts et
In this case, we are doing an exercise called the Glute Bridge with Glutes Walks. This is a
Basic exercise that will engage your glutes without too much strain.
6 Sets of 10 Glute Bridges