They’re not “strings” at all, but rather three exceptionally strong, slender muscles that cover the backs of the thighs.
“Clair Davies”
Tools Needed
-MB5 Massage Ball or use a hockey ball
-BodyBackBuddy 27”
-Foam Roller
1) Warm-up
Foam Rolling
– Double Leg
- Single Leg
2) Compression Therapy (Beginner)
-Quadballer- on Floor balanced on book, leg straight ( Med/ Lat)
- MB5 Therapy Ball- on floor rolling up and down ( Med & Lat )Compression Therapy (Advanced)
-MB5 Therapy Ball- On bench, balanced on book, full body weight ( Med/ Lat)
-MB5 Massage Ball- Full body weight
- Bodybackbuddy – digit compression working up both sides
3) Active Release-
-Quadballer on bench
-MB5 Massage ball on bench
-BodyBackBuddy on bench
- Double leg Standing toe touch
-Leg Crossover toe touch
-Sitting single leg Reach
- Single Leg kicks (Low/ Med/ High)
5) Active Movement
-Straight leg Deadlifts 4 Sets of 10 Reps
-Kettlebell Swings 4 Sets of 10 Reps
-Hamstring Falls 4 Sets of 10 Reps