The Quadriceps muscles are the largest, heaviest, and most powerful muscles in the human body. Quadriceps trigger points are the primary source of knee pain.
“Clair Davis”
Body Tempering
Treatment for Knee Pain
( Runners knee, Housemaids Knee, It Band Syndrome, Patellar Tendonitis)
Tools needed
-Foam roller
-Therapy ball ( hockey ball or tennis ball)
-Yoga mat
Time frame ( each area should take at least 5-10 mins)
1) warm up
( light compression) Place the affected quad on foam roller ( spread body weight across the floor) Working on the lateral medial and Inside of the thigh, warming as much of the area as possible
2) Mayofascial compression Deep foam rolling!
Using full body weight on the foam roller, both feet should be off the ground!
Slowly knead each area of the quad
3) Mayofascial compression Light ball
therapy Start of with body weight spread across the floor, & slowly work the therapy ball into
each muscle of the quad! This is very deep! So be careful
4) Mayofascial compression advanced ball therapy
This is very deep compression!! Please do not try this unless you have progressed from light Compression. This should be slow and controlled, concentrating on each area.
5a) Active release beginner foam roller
Active release find the specific area of each muscle, applying compression, then taking
The muscle from a shortened position to a full stretch.
Spread the body weight across the floor, apply compression to the quad making sure the leg Is out straight, then bringing your heel towards your bum.
5b) Active release foam rolling
This should be applied the same way but using your FULL body weight on the foam roller.
6) Advanced active release ball Therapy Beginner
-Spread weight across the floor, apply controlled release.Advanced - Full body weight on the ball, apply controlled release.
7) Stretching Beginner quad & Hip Flexors
This should be done on the floor in a controlled movement, allow the knee to rest on the floor And push the hips forward keeping good balance.
Advanced Quad & Hip Flexors
Using a Swiss ball to push the hip into a deeper stretch, balance the affected leg on top
Of the Swiss ball bringing the knee to the ground and push the hips forward.
8) Active movement
a) Air squats 6 sets / 10 Reps
b) Lunges single leg 6 Sets/ 10 Reps
c) TRX single leg squats 6 Sets / 10 Reps