What is cupping therapy
The cups are used to treat the soft tissues of the body, muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascial
layers etc. They are also used to treat trigger points, areas of scar tissue and adhesion and to
Promote lymphatic drainage,
Sports Cupping Vs Chinese Cupping
Sports cupping has evolved into another dimension of cupping which is proving to be highly
Effective and extremely popular with athletes and sports people for exercise recovery in post-
Event massage, injury prevention and for injury treatment.
The differences between Chinese Cupping and Sports Cupping should be stressed.
Acupuncturists have years of training in the assessment and understanding of various illness and
Body conditions such as infertility, poor energy, internal organ issues etc. As a rule,
● Chinese cupping will focus on treatment of a condition by influencing energy flow or Chi of
the client.
● They will also work to improve the flow of Chi through meridians of the body, to and from
the organs.
● They will use the cups on the skin, perhaps using flame to create the suction and generally
will leave the cups static for a period of time.
In Sports Cupping
● The cups are used to stimulate the flow of the lymphatic system in the body. We dont work
on Chi or meridians
● We can also use the cups to help separate muscle fascial layers for example, to separate
the Vatus Lateralis from the IT Band or to separate the different muscle compartments
of the hamstrings.
● We can use the cups to isolate and treat points of scar tissue and adhesion.
● Watching for the colour of the skin will indicate toxin levels.
● We will also use the cups directly over trigger points to reduce areas of spasm.
● As a general rule, we will keep the cups moving, only leaving them to stand on one spot
for a maximum of 5-15 minutes.
Benefits of Sports Cupping
● Improves lymphatic drainage
● Speeds up toxin removal from tissues
● Improves circulation
● Alkalises the tissues and speeds up the tissues metabolism
● Releases deep muscular tensions and adhesions
● Releases trigger points
● Releases adhesions between fascial layers
● Lifts and stretches soft tissue
● Sedates the nervous system
● Creates space between fascial layers which reduces pain & irritation
● Will reduce fluid retention around previously injured joints
● Can be used to stimulate a sluggish colon and prevent/ treat constipation
● Fibromyalgia
● Cellulite
● Reduces the appearance surgical scars
Treatment & Prices
Initial Consultation & Sports Cupping £40
On going treatments
30 Minutes £ 25
60 Minutes £ 40
Your Appointment
It is advisable to book 60 minutes for ALL first time appointments to allow
Plenty of time for your treatment & consultation.
Cancellation Policy